Language pair:
Source Language: Language in which the text to be translated is written.
Target Language: Language into which a text is to be translated.

Specialization field: What subject is your document about (legal , technical, literary...). Although scientific terms are easily recognizable in every language, a technical translation requires the expertise of somebody who's familiar with the subject inside out.

Please select a main category or subcategory, keeping in mind subcategories are more specific and might reduce your search results.

Mother language filter: Is the translator's mother language your target language"> You should take this into account, since it's a quality guarantee that the professional you've chosen is translating into his/her mother language or language of habitual use (the language that a person is most familiar with).

  • Service:
  • What type of translation service do you need? Not every company or freelance translator is ready or willing to do the service your company requires. In addition to a standard translation, you should familiarize yourself with the following terminology:

    Translation: The result of rendering written text from one language (source language) into another (target language). Some professionals include a standard revision by a second translator in this service. You'll find this information among the results when finalizing your search.

    We'll talk about translation when referring to a plain translation of a document into another language. If this is what you need, please don't select any special service in this field If you require additional services or this is not exactly what you are looking for, please keep reading.

    Certified translations: those sealed by certified translators for official purposes. Certified translators have usually passed an official exam.

    Proof-reading: checking a proof before printing to ensure that no mistakes have been made in typesetting. When typesetting a translated text, it is advisable to let the translator who performed the translation proofread the typeset document, especially when the text is written in a language foreign to the typesetter.

    Editing or revising: Reading a text to identify errors, inconsistencies, incorrect grammar and punctuation, poor or inappropriate style, conformance with the source text, and making appropriate changes and corrections to the text. The better quality demanded for the final version (ex: documents aimed for publication) the more revisions should be done. If the translation is done for an internal memo, for example, the text might not need to be edited. Check this box if you already have a first translation you want to be corrected.

    Abstracting or gisting: Producing a rough or outline translation of a text to provide an insight into the subject and overall content of the source text. It can be used, for example, to determine whether a text contains useful information before a custom translation is commissioned.

    Interpretation: spoken translation.
    Simultaneous interpretation: Oral translation of a speaker's words into another language while the speaker is speaking. The interpreter usually sits in a booth and uses audio equipment.
    Consecutive interpretation: Oral translation of a speaker's words into another language when the speaker has finished speaking or pauses for interpreting. Mainly used in formal business meetings, for negotiations, training sessions or lectures.
    Phone interpretation: more informal than consecutive interpretation, and used very often for business long distance meetings etc.

    Translation services related to audio/video:
    Voice-over: Commentary in a film, television programme, video or commercial, spoken by an unseen narrator. It includes the translation of the original narration and recording voice-over; either by an expert linguist or by an actor.
    Subtitling: subtitles appear on the bottom of the screen and pop on and off with the voice track. This service includes the previous translation of the narration. Subtitles tend to distract from the picture, so for certain programs such as demonstrations we may suggest replacing the voice track instead.
    Dubbing: is a way of recording a voice over to match the lips of the on-camera speaker.
    Translation services related to computer use.
    Localization: The process of adapting a product (usually software) to a specific locale, i.e. to the language, cultural norms, standards, laws and requirements of the target market. Includes, but is not limited to, translation of the screen texts, help files, etc.
    Globalization or internationalization: The process of designing or redesigning a product (e.g. software) to facilitate localisation with a minimum of changes. Includes, for example, the arrangement of country-specific data in external resource files and the use of a character encoding method (e.g. Unicode) that supports foreign character sets.

  • Standard revision:
  • Does the translation company or freelancer guarantee a standard revision of the first version as part of the translation service"> This point is important whenever your translation job is intended for publication. We recommend you to make sure the final text has been revised by a second translator.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution:
  • The process by which disputes are solved outside the usual litigation model. This process is cheaper and faster than court-based solutions. ADR includes processes such as mediation and arbitration. For further info, visit the arbitration section.

    Demands arbitration: This translator will only accept jobs from customers who agree to submit themselves to arbitration in case of dispute.
    Negotiable: To be negotiated with customer on individual basis.
    Rejects arbitration: This translator won't accept jobs from customers who demand an agreement to submit themselves to arbitration in case of dispute.

  • Memberships.
  • Is the company or freelancer member of any professional institute"> Accreditation -a requirement for membership - is usually issued on the basis of examination and experience. For further information on the requirements every organization demands, please click here.

  • Rates.
  • These are the rates provided by each professional. In order to get an accurate calculation of how much your job will cost, you will have to ask for quotations.

  • Length.
  • Either by word count, line count or page count. You can use Microsoft Word tool to count the words in a Word format document. If this is not possible, you can use one of this standard measures:
    Standard line: The standard line length is around 60 keystrokes (including all visible characters as well as spaces and line breaks/paragraph marks)
    Standard page: The standard page length may vary from country to country, but it usually is around 1600 keystrokes. Therefore, a standard page is composed by an average of 27 lines.

  • Original format: Format the source text is in.

  • Final format: Format the deliverable translation should be in.