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We provide you with a complete profile on each candidate and all the details you need to decide who to ask for a quotation.
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  1. Search our database for human translators
  2. Understanding the results
  3. How are results indexed?

1. Search our database for human translators

Only professional translators have been admitted to offer their services in our network. Fill out as many fields as you want and click on the question marks to understand how your choice will affect your chances of getting quality translations

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2. Understanding the results

With your search results you will get the following details:

Agency or freelancer details: code, country or locations, years in business, staff and stats referring to their performance in our network.

Arbitration preference and indicators about quality standards.

Qualifications, specializations, rates, technology used and in some cases, a small translation sample!

3.How are results indexed?

Position of translators on the results page is merely based on their language and fields of specialisation and their coincidence with your search criteria. No translation professional will be recommended or highlighted for any other reasons -such as paying for positioning or having a higher membership level-.

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