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"@" means "at," and while it might not be the most important part of an e-mail address, it's definitely the best looking part (certain fonts make it look even better...try typing it in one of the Garamonds, for instance). It separates the user I.D. (the who) from the domain name (the where) sections of an address, giving mail routers the sort of punctuation they need to make sure you receive all those delicious electronic love letters.


This is a somewhat out-dated word for someone who lives and breathes in cyberspace. These days, though, anyone who calls himself a cyberpunk probably has an attitude problem the size of Texas. You should know, however, that Hollywood hasn't figured out the term is old-fashioned and continues to pedal it to the masses in ridiculous movies about cyberspace.


Software used to navigate the World Wide Web , a browser allows you to access hypertext files and/or web pages . Graphical browsers like Netscape or Microsoft's Explorer allow you to view graphical elements that may be embedded on a web page.

Domain name:

Computers on the Internet are assigned domain names. Think of it like the computer's telephone number or street address. Every domain name has a suffix which signifies what sort of entity it is. For example, most business addresses end with a .com (pronounced "dot-com"), and universities have a .edu suffix.


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