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  Operating Ratio (IRIS):

Combined Ratio less the Net Investment Income Ratio (net investment income to net premiums earned, expressed as a percent). The operating ratio measures a company's overall operational profitability from underwriting and investment activities. This ratio does not reflect other operating income/expenses, capital gains or income taxes. An operating ratio of more than 100 indicates a company is able to generate profits from its underwriting and investment activities.

Other Income/Expenses:

This item represents miscellaneous sources of operating income or expense that principally relate to premium finance income or charges for uncollectible premium and reinsurance business.

Overall Liquidity:

Total Admitted Assets divided by Total Liabilities less Conditional Reserves, expressed as a percent. This ratio indicates a company's ability to cover net liabilities with total assets. This ratio does not address the quality and marketability of premium balances, affiliated investments and other uninvested assets.


Cause of a possible loss.


The written contract effecting insurance, or the certificate thereof, by whatever name called, and including all clause, riders, endorsements, and papers attached thereto and made a part thereof.

Policyholder Dividend Ratio:

The ratio of dividends to policyholders related to net premiums earned, expressed as a percent.

Policyholders' Surplus:

This item is the sum of paid in capital, paid in and contributed surplus, and net earned surplus, including voluntary contingency reserves. It also is the difference between total admitted assets and total liabilities.

Preferred Auto:

Driver has never had an accident in her life, waits three seconds at every stop sign, and actually uses the left lane on a highway for passing only. She is no risk for any insurance company that writes auto insurance. No insurance company would be afraid to take her on as a risk.


The payment or one of the regular periodical payments a policyholder is required to make for an insurance policy. The amount of money which the policyholder agrees to pay to the insurance company for the policy of insurance.


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