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  Market Penetration Pricing Strategy:

If near term income is not critical and rapid market penetration for eventual market control is desired, then you set your prices very low.

Market Share:

The percentage of the total sales (from all sources) of a service or product represented by the sales made by your enterprise. i.e. your sales divided by total sales.

On-Site Sales Method:

Selling directly to the end user using a sales force that calls on the prospect at their home or place of business.


A legal relationship between two or more individuals to conduct a specifically defined business.

Licensing Agreement:

An agreement between two enterprises allowing one to sell the other's products or services and to use their name, sales literature, trademarks, copyrights, etc. in a limited manner.

Parts/Sub Assembly Goods:

Products that will normally become a part of the purchaser's end product. Examples are screws, bolts, transistors, printed circuits, electric motors, forgings, castings, etc.

Personal Service at Customer's Site:

This service can be a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship between the servicer and customer, sometimes dealing with factors that the customer deems confidential. The service is traditionally provided at the customer's enterprise. Examples of this type of service would be: tutoring, consulting, etc.


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