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  Ejacretroejaculation, retrograde:

The discharge of semen into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out of the body.

Ehlelectrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL):

This technique uses a special probe to break up small stones with shock waves generated by electricity. Through a flexible ureteroscope, the physician positions the tip of the probe 1 mm from the stone. Then, by means of a foot switch, the physician projects electrically generated hydraulic shock waves through an irrigating fluid at the stone until it is broken into small fragments. These can be passed by the patient or removed through the previously described extraction methods.

EHL has some limitations:

It requires general anesthesia, and is generally not used in close proximity to the kidney itself, as the shock waves can cause tissue damage. Fragments produced by the hydraulic shock also tend to scatter widely, making retrieval or extraction more difficult.


Herniation of small bowel into vagina


Hormones responsible for the development of female sex characteristics; produced by the ovary.

Ebrexternal beam radiation therapy:

A 25-28 treatment protocol that utilizes External Beam Radiation. Approximately 6800-7400 rads of radiation energy is delivered to the Prostate. There can be some radiation effect on surrounding tissues.

Eswlextracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL):

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy uses highly focused impulses projected from outside the body to pulverize kidney stones.


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