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  • We give you the chance to create the professional profile that companies in need of hiring translation services will view. Create your profile now!

  • We bring projects you can quote and eventually translate right to your mail box.

  • We assure your security when dealing with unknown customers. Learn more about our arbitration service.

  • We increase your visibility in the web. Several language-related sites offer links to our network.

  • We make sure you'll be sharing your working space only with professional, qualified translators.

  • We put all our broad experience as language industry experts and web developers to your service, promoting and marketing the network among companies world wide.

  • The customer is the person/organization who hires the translator for each job, there is no interference in our side.

  • Your contact details will only be visible to customers who have expressed their genuine interest in doing business with you by making a 5% advanced payment.

  • TranslationTown is a fair trading marketplace: rates are always established by the translators.

  • Agencies and freelancers can act as in the real market: some jobs require the support of a stronger company and others the direct contact with the person who does the job. This is the message we transmit to our visitors. Customer's Guide.

  • We will never act as your competition: TranslationTown is only a virtual market, not a translation agency.

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