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Translation Buyer: CUSTOMER´S GUIDE


Highly recommended for a first-time approach to translations. Get experts' advice and acquire helpful knowledge to add to your professional assets for life.

In 10 minutes your chances of making the right decision when hiring translation services will be much higher


   1. START. Know your translation project and choose an option from the market

What will be the final use of your translation? Do you just need to understand a document for your information or are you planning to launch a product internationally?

These are questions to keep in mind when approaching a translation project.


   2. BEFORE choosing your translator

Do you know how to improve your chances of getting an affordable and more accurate translation?

Find out how to reduce your budget and assure good results before starting.


   3. WHILE choosing a translator

Get the best-matching professional for your project. Follow the instructions in our Translator Search System.


4. AFTER choosing a translator

Your job is not finished yet. A few last tips to put into practice now that you have all the elements necessary to order a translation.


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