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Expedited arbitration is a method of arbitration whereby certain modifications are introduced in order to ensure that an award is handed down within a limited period and at a reduced cost. These modifications include a single arbitrator instead of a tribunal, shorter periods for each stage in the arbitration process and summary hearings before the single arbitrator. To submit future contract disputes to arbitration subject to the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules , the Center has established the following clause for insertion within the contract:

"Any dispute, difference or complaint which may arise from this present contract and from any amendment thereto or relating to the present contract, including in particular its formation, validity, obligatory nature, interpretation, execution, non-fulfilment or termination and any extracontractual complaints shall be subjected to arbitration for their definitive resolution pursuant to the WIPO Rules on Expedited Arbitration The arbitral tribunal shall comprise [three arbitrators] [a sole arbitrator]. The arbitration shall take place in ... The language which will be used during the arbitral process shall be ... The dispute, difference or complaint shall be resolved in accordance with the law of …"

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