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  Acceptance Testing (AT):

The testing performed by a user to determine that an automated system (equipment or software) for a specific task or environment, e.g., a translator for a specific application and interchange format, performs according to specification.

Acquisition Manager (AM):

The system/equipment program manager, the program manager's staff, and other DoD officials responsible for determining contract requirements for the generation, acquisition, and use of defense system/equipment data, and having acquisition authority for defense systems and equipment.


A computer language designed as a standard for U.S. government and NATO procurements. Ada is a required language for mission-critical projects.

ANSI (American National Standards Institute):

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a privately funded, non-profit organization which coordinates the development of voluntary standards in the United States and is the agency that approves standards (as American National Standards). It coordinates and manages U.S. participation in the work of several non-governmental international standards organizations, including ISO and IEC (NCGA). ANSI's membership consists of over 1000 companies and organizations.


Continuously variable. Until recently almost all audio signals were analog. At any instant, it could have a value between zero and a few volts and could be graphed as a flowing waveform. In contrsat, at any instant, a digital signal can have the values of 0 or 1.


The object that is highlighted and "clickable" on a web document. It may be a word, a phrase, or an inline image. When clicked, it may send you to another spot on the page (back link), another page, a document on another server, or a place on a remote document.. An anchor tag has the following format: highlighted text or image


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