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  EC (Electronic Commerce):

The end-to-end digital exchange of all information needed to conduct business. Examples include EDI transactions, electronic mail, archives, audit trails, and all forms of records, including graphical images. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support (CALS).

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange):

The inter-organizational, computer-to-computer exchange of structured information in a standard, machine-processable format.

EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format):

A neutral, platform independent format for the interchange of integrated circuit design data from design to manufacturing organizations.

EDIFACT (EDI For Administration, Commerce and Transport):

United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. They comprise a set of internationally agreed upon standards, directories and guidelines for the electronic interchange of structured data related to trade in goods and services between independent computerized information systems.

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer ):

Electronic movement of data between banks which results in a value transfer between accounts.

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer):

EFT is a technology (one of the electronic commerce technologies) that allows the transfer of funds from the bank account of one person or organization to that of another. EFT is also used to refer to the action of using this technology. It is an important addition in the organization that implements EDI in their organization.


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