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  Standard Auto:

Driver has had one or two accidents in his life and is an average driver. Any insurance company would be willing to give him a policy. He pays average premiums.

State of Domicile:

The state in which the company is incorporated or chartered. The company is also licensed (admitted) under the state's insurance statutes for those lines of business for which it qualifies.

Stock insurance company:

A company owned and controlled by stockholders and conducted for profit. It sets a premium charge for insurance, assuming all liabilities on a corporate basis. The owners of the business are paid the profits.


The right of the insurance company to recover from a third party the amount paid under the policy. For example, if damage is done to your automobile, protected by a collision insurance policy, the insurance company may collect, from the party whose automobile ran into your car, the amount of damages which was paid to you by the process of subrogation.


A safety cushion to protect against the unexpected and is a key denominator of many financial ratios measuring the financial strength of an insurance company.

Total Admitted Assets:

This item is the sum of all admitted assets. These assets are valued in accordance with state laws and regulations, as reported by the company in its financial statements filed with state insurance regulatory authorities. This item is reported net as to encumbrances on real estate (the amount of any encumbrances on real estate is deducted from the value of the real estate) and net as to amounts recoverable from reinsurers (which are deducted from the corresponding liabilities for unpaid losses and unearned premiums).

Total Loss:

A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value. The complete destruction of the property. The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay.

Unaffiliated Investments:

These investments represent total unaffiliated investments as reported in the exhibit of Admitted Assets. It is cash, bonds, stocks, mortgages, real estate and accrued interest, excluding investment in affiliates and real estate properties occupied by the company.


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