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To determine whether an individual is insurable under the policy for which he has applied and at what premium rate.


The individual whose duty it is to determine the acceptability of insurance risks. A person whose duty it is to select risks for insurance and to determine in what amounts and on what terms the insurance company will accept the risks. Also, an insurer.


The process of selecting risks for insurance and determining in what amount and on what terms that insurance company will accept the risk.

Underwriting Expenses Incurred:

Expenses, including net commissions, salaries and advertising costs, which are attributable to the production of net premiums written.

Underwriting Expense Ratio:

This represents the percentage of a company's net premiums written that went toward underwriting expenses, such as commissions to agents and brokers, state and municipal taxes, salaries, employee benefits and other operating costs. The ratio is computed by dividing underwriting expenses by net premiums written. The ratio is computed by dividing underwriting expenses by net premiums written. A company with an underwriting expense ratio of 31.3 percent is spending more than 31 cents of every dollar of net premiums written by pay underwriting costs. It should be noted that different lines of business have intrinsically differing expense ratios. For example, boiler and machinery insurance, which requires a corps of skilled inspectors, is a high expense ratio line. On the other hand, expense ratios are usually low on group health insurance.

Underwriting Guide:

Underwriting guide, also call underwriting manual, underwriting guidelines, or manual of underwriting policy. Regardless of its name, the guide details the underwriting practices of the insurance company and provides specific guidance as to how underwriters should analyze all of the various types of applicants they might encounter.

Unearned Premiums:

The calculated aggregate net amount, after deducting reinsurance credits, which an insurance company would be obliged to tender to its policyholders as return premiums for the unexpired terms, should it wish to cancel every policy in force.

Yield on Invested Assets (IRIS):

Annual net investment income after expenses, divided by the mean of cash and net invested assets. This ratio measures the average return on a company's invested assets. This ratio is before capital gains/losses and income taxes.


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