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             MUSIC GLOSSARY

Stesso:  Same.

Strophic:  A term used to describe a song in which all the stanzas of the text are sung to the same music. The opposite of through-composed.

Subdominant:  The fourth degree of the major or minor scale. Also, the name of the triad built on the fourth degree of the scale, indicated by IV in a major key and by iv in a minor key.

Subito:  Suddenly.

Submediant:  The sixth degree of a major or minor scale. Also, the name of the triad built on the sixth degree of the scale, indicated by VI in a major key and by vi in a minor key.

Sul:  On the.

Supertonic:  The second degree of the major or minor scale. Also, the name of the triad built on the second degree of the scale, indicated by II in a major scale and iio in a minor scale.

Sur:  On, over.

Suspension:  The use of a nonharmonic tone to delay the resolution of a chord, frequently as it occurs in a cadence.

Svelto:  Quick, light.

Syncopation:  Accent on an unexpected beat.

Tempo:  The rate of speed in a musical work.

Tempo primo:  Return to the original tempo.

Teneramente:  Tenderly.

Tenor clef:  The C clef falling on the fourth line of the staff.

Tenuto, ten:  Hold or sustain a note longer than the indicated value, usually not as long a duration as the fermata.

Ternary form:  Three-part form in which the middle section is different from the other sections. Indicated by ABA.

Terraced dynamics:  The Baroque style of using sudden changes in dynamic levels, as opposed to gradual increase and decrease in volume.

Tertian harmony:  A term used to describe music based on chords arranged in intervals of thirds.

Tessitura:  The general pitch range of a vocal part.

Texture:  The term used to describe the way in which melodic lines are combined, either with or without accompaniment. Types include monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic, or contrapuntal.

Theme:  The musical subject of a piece (usually a melody), as in sonata form or a fugue. An extramusical concept behind a piece.

Theme and variations:  A statement of musical subject followed by restatements in different guises.


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