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In environmental psychology, a locus or set of loci with respect to which spatial position is defined.

Free association:

In Freudian psychoanalysis, a technique for accessing the patients subconscious, by encouraging them to relax in a reclining posture and move freely and spontaneously from thought to thought

Fundamental attribution error:

In the analysis of how people make attributions, the tendency to over-estimate the impact of dispositional factors and to underestimate the impact of situational factors in making attributions.

Gaze pattern:

In the study of channels of communication between individuals, the pattern of looking at the other that can have communicative value.


A term for the portion of chromosomal material that carries the inherited characters of an individual and which potentially serves as a unit of natural selection.

Generative grammar:

A way of thinking about grammar rules where they are seen as generating all and only those sentences that are legitimate in the language in question.

Genetic predisposition:

Those aspects of an individual that may lead them to respond more negatively to an unpleasant event, which are related to events they have experienced in the past.

Gestalt psychologists:

A group of mainly German psychologists, who were most active in the 1920s and interested, among other things, in the way that perception imposes structure upon its stimulus.

Group factor theory:

An approach in the theory of intelligence, which emphasizes the independence of different factors that make up intelligence rather than one important general factor; using factor analysis, the American psychologist Thurstone identified seven separate factors in the performance of intelligence tests.

Group membership:

Acceptance of the individual into a particular social group, which in turn is a powerful influence in the formation of the self.


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