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  Neural tube:

in the early stages of the development of the brain in the embryo, a tubular structure derived from the outer layer of cells of the embryo and from which the brain and spinal cord develop.


a chemical that alters the general sensitivity and responsivity of neurones.


a nerve cell which conveys and processes information in the nervous system.


a chemical specific to a particular Neurone:

which is secreted by it in order to influence and communicate with other nerve cells.


in the study of ecology, the environmental slot containing all the determinants of survival into which a particular species fits after going through a period of adaptation.

Non-accidental property:

a property of the image that probably reflects the same property of the world, such as a straight line in an image which is almost (but not quite) certainly produced by a straight edge.

Non-common effects:

in the process of determining a dispositional attribution, the number of very specific effects caused by an action.

Non-verbal communication:

a form of communication without speech developed between babies and their carers, which makes use of faces, voices, body movements and touch, but which adults and the disabled continue to use throughout life to supplement and to support speech or act as its substitute.

Observational approach:

a non-experimental case study of human behaviour which involves the keeping of an accurate record of events which can be studied in detail later.

Occupational psychology:

the study of work in terms of the feelings, attitudes, behaviour and performance of those at work and those factors which influence workers, attitudes and behaviour.


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