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  Declarative memory:

A single form of memory embracing episodic and semantic components.

Deductive reasoning:

Reasoning from facts that are known or supposed to be true, to other facts that necessarily follow from them.

Defensible space:

In environmental psychology, the individuals personalization of the particular area they inhabit and are familiar with and which they feel safe in.

Deficiency motives:

In self-actualization, those motives which reduce the personal needs lower in the hierarchy, such as reducing hunger and thirst and the need for obtaining security.

Deliberate practice:

A form of acquiring a skill under close supervision, in which specific aspects of the skill are trained, as opposed to general play in which there is no such deliberate plan.


A type of reckless behaviour, particularly among adolescents, and sometimes influenced by hormonal changes, which often involves crime, underage drinking and sexual activity, and illegal drug use.

Delta rule:

A powerful form of learning, also known as gradient descent learning, which suggests that following a particular action, the difference between the planned outcome and the actual outcome (the error) is calculated, and the system adjusted to reduce the error next time.


An erroneous belief the defies rational argument and despite all evidence to the contrary; this can also take the form of a psychiatric disorder manifest in conditions such as schizophrenia and paranoia.

Density-intensity effect hypothesis:

In environmental psychology, the correlation between varying levels of social density and the individuals positive and/or negative reaction to them.


A catch-all term used to describe any of several complex, and sometimes extreme psychological states where the emotions are affected, either by internal factors such as by low spirts and low self-esteem or external factors, such as traumatic events in someones life.


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