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  Case grammar:

A form of semantic grammar which represents the semantic roles of phrases using semantic cases such as agents, objects and instruments.

Case study:

A detailed study of one particular example of a phenomenon which involves in-depth analysis of a particular individuals behaviour.

Cerebro-spinal fluid:

A plasma filtrate that is secreted from the capillaries of the ventricles of the brain and other blood vessels and circulates around these and other cavities.


The two major hemispheres of the brain, which dominate its external appearance and control all voluntary motor activity and higher mental functions.

Child-directed speech:

(CDS) a term, formerly called Motherese, to describe the short, fluent, grammatically correct utterances, with enhanced intonation, by which mothers, other adults and older children help toddlers to learn language.

Cladistic taxonomy:

A classification scheme applied to primates, which uses the possession of shared, derived features as a way of defining groups.

Classical conditioning:

The way in which an infant, during its development, learns to associate one event with another. The term is derived from procedures first introduced by Pavlov in his experimentation with dogs, in which a Conditional Stimulus (a bell) was paired with an Unconditional Stimulus (salivating) in order to elicit a response (known as the Conditioned Response), in this case that of the dog salivating even when the bell was sounded without food.


One of two individuals performing the same task within the same space.


The main organ of the inner ear, responsible for the initial analysis of sound waveforms.

Cocktail party phenomenon:

The ability to attend to a single conversation in a crowded room; an example of stimulus segmentation.


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