A method of ensuring data secrecy. The message is coded using a key available only to the sender and the receiver. The coded message is sent to the receiver and then decoded upon receipt.
Engineering Data:
Any technical data (whether prepared by the Government, contractor, or vendor) relating to the specification, design, analysis, manufacture, acquisition, test, inspection or maintenance of items or services. Engineering data is comprised of all information that contains authoritative engineering definition or guidance on material, constituent items, equipment or systems practices, engineering methods, and processes.
ESnet (Energy Sciences Network):
This is a Department of Energy (DOE) system that provides the full text of select DOE documents. Many of these documents are related to computers and information policy. It also contains gateways to a variety of energy-related sources and downloadable public domain software.
Expert System:
A software system with two basic components: a knowledge base and an inference engine. The system mimics an expert's reasoning process.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP):
A way of transferring files between computers. A protocol that describes file transfers between a host and a remote computer. It is also used to program based on this protocol.
Gateway :
Used in different senses (e.g., Mail Gateway, IP Gateway), but most generally, a computer that forwards and routes data between two or more networks of any size.
A functional modeling method for complex manufacturing environment which when graphically represented show the structural relationships between the manufacturing processes.