The ANSI X12 standards specify the format and data content of electronic business transactions.
A miniature application - an enhancement to a web page involving the embedding a foreign type of program in the page.
Application Profile:
A number of application protocols required for a specified task or industry sector. [Associated with STEP]TEP]]f Trade and Industry, United Kingdom. "Open Systems in Manufacturing".
Application Protocol (AP):
Defines the context for the use of product data and specifies the use of the standard in that context to satisfy an industrial need. [Associated with STEP] , United States Government. "Military Standard 1840-B" 3 November 1992.
A system for locating files that are stored on FTP file servers. A search utility. A keyword search service that searches the directory and file titles of all FTP sites that are indexed.
The name by which the Internet was originally known.
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency):
An agency within the defense department that distributes funds for defense related research projects. ARPA provided the initial funding for the development of platform independent wide area internetworks. This project eventually became the Internet.