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A central high speed network that connects smaller, independent networks. the NSFnet is an example. The connections between the primary computers in a network. Stub networks branch off the backbone.


Used to express the maximum possible throughput of a data link in bits per second. A T1 line has a bandwidth of 1.544 Mbps. A 28.8k baud modem has a nominal bandwidth of 0.0288 Mbps.

Bar Coding:

Graphical representation (generally narrow and wide bars) that represent one of a number of numeric or alphanumeric standards.


A measurement of signaling speed of a data transmission device Baud rate does not equal bits per second.

BPR (Business Process Re-engineering):

The fundamental analysis and radical redesign of everything: business processes and management systems, job definitions, organizational structures and beliefs and behaviors to achieve dramatic performance improvements to meet contemporary requirements. Information technology (IT) is a key enabler in this process.

Bulletin Board Service (BBS):

A bulletin board is similar to a network and thus Internet. Requirements for a bulletin board are a computer, modem, and preferably bulletin board software. A bulletin board can contain directories of files (for user downloading) and e-mail facilities (where users can exchange/or post messages). Based on their access privileges, those using a bulletin board can read, download (copy from the bulletin board), upload (place on the bulletin board), and even modify stored files. Bulletin boards can be on the Internet. Bulletin board software is required to allow the bulletin board owner to place limits on access. (i.e., not all BBS users should be allowed to modify files that are stored on the BBS. Not all of the BBS's users would be allowed full access to the computer on which the BBS is stored.


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